Returning Items


Please proceed carefully. We usually do not give refunds if you simply change your mind or make a wrong decision.
You may return most new, unopened items within 14 days of delivery for a full refund if it falls under the following categories:
(1) For any defective or damaged goods, Long Fine will exchange the product with a new one provided the goods were damaged prior to the transfer of ownership of the goods.
(2) For any incorrectly picked items, Long Fine will exchange the product with the correct item of choice.

If, for any reasons other than the above, the Client wishes to return stock, all returns will be subject to a restocking fee/handling charge of 20%.
If the goods are specially ordered by the Client, Long Fine shall have no obligation to accept the return of the goods, and the Client shall remain liable for the entire purchase of the goods.



Long Fine Hospitality Supplies will only process orders from Melbourne metropolitan areas and New South Wales. Shipping costs are a flat rate of $25 and will be added to the order total before checkout.
Orders are dispatched within 2 business days. Shipping times are estimated at between 3 and 5 business days, depending on your location.